Piano Lessons

Our piano teachers teach a variety of styles from classical to popular music. Whether you want to learn a classical sonatina, rock chords, or popular sheet music, our teachers are happy to help you become the pianist you want to be. Our piano faculty will show you the fundamentals of sight reading, technique and theory, but they will also incorporate your favorite songs into your lessons. Our piano teachers have warm personalities and enjoy sharing their love for the piano with you.
It is ideal if you do have a piano at home before starting lessons, but you can start lessons with our piano teachers by using an electric keyboard to practice on. Most of our students rent or buy small electric keyboards practice on at home. We recommend a keyboard that has regular sized keys and a touch sensitive response. A touch sensitive keyboard means if you press a key harder it will play louder and if you press a key softer it will play quieter.
Craigslist is a good resource and you can find a piano for around $200. It can be expensive to pay a piano mover (around $300), but worth it unless you have strong men, moving straps and a truck! (Which can be done!)
To have the best success, look for the following things in a keyboard:
1. 88 keys
2. Sustain Pedal (when you hold it down, the sound rings out)
3. Touch sensitive keys (when you play harder, it sounds louder; when you play softly, it sounds quieter)
Music lessons are first come, first served So contact us today to arrange your first lesson!
Call us at 408-286-8828
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1090 Lincoln Ave #7
San Jose, CA 95125
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